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Another Endance Mix
Hey all, here's another Endance mix.

Did this one in a night and a morning, trying to get mixes done quickly to practice. 

I think the initial recordings of this song were very rough. Bass was all over the place, so needed automation and compression to keep it relatively even. Kick seemed to be naturally above the bass at ~100hz, while bass was like 70hz, so I put the bass beneath the kick. 

The drums have some crazy bleed in them from the rest of the track - you can basically hear all of the guitars very loudly in all of the drum tracks, which was hard to dial out... so I just left it there and hoped for the best. I think it does work to give the track some energy. 

I could have sample-replaced the kick and snare but tried to deal with what was given. Used Decapitator on kick and snare to beef them up, along with individual compression and bus compression. I think the kick doesn't give much oomph, but the bass does a bit to help with that since it's sitting lower down. 

There were way too many guitar tracks in the initial file, so I deleted all the DI tracks and just dealt with the amped ones. After some bus compression the guitars were actually fine, so I didn't touch them other than comp and panning. At one little interlude section I gave the guitar some delay with Echoboy just to sound pretty.
I think biggest thing with guitars in this track is knowing what to cut out, since there's just too much redundancy. If you listen to the official mix, I really like how they introduced the guitars. Left one first and then right one, which had some great energy to it. 

I didn't use that tactic (I didn't spend much time listening to the individual tracks), and I definitely could have done some more interesting panning and automation work on the guitars to make certain parts stand out, but I just left it basic.

Initial vocal track was horribly recorded. Sounds really grating, so I just put Decapitator on it to amp up the saturation on the vocals and played into that a bit. Put Little Plate on it and Echoboy for some slight space, but the vox didn't need to much of it. I also put Alterboy on it to give some octave up and down, blended into the background. I think the song suffers from not having harmonies in the chorus, so I tried to at least supplement a little with Alterboy.

Other than that... I think the mix worked out okay. Not great, but I'm not a great mixer (yet ;P). Anyway, it's all for practice.

.mp3    Endance Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 7.64 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Another Endance Mix - by easiersaid - 25-11-2023, 01:02 AM