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Timeless Part 1 MaybeJustOnce
Great mix! Just a couple things I'd like to make note of:
1) I really like how you mixed the drums! They sound great.
2) I love the Tim Henson style tones. Meka is a HUGE fan of Tim Henson, and I'm a big Polyphia fan myself. I honestly think the tones you have are better than the ones we had on the actual album.
3) I love the vocal mix like 90% of the time and the bridge reverb and delay is spot on!
4) That lead guitar tone is really nice! I played the solo and I appreciate how much of a nice little fuzz it has, as that's my ideal kind of lead.

Now for the critiques!
1) The vocals feel really dry during the verses. I feel like a little more verb on them would be perfect.
2) The distorted screams at the end are a nice touch, though maybe a little bit less present in the mix?
3) The harmonies REALLY make this song, so if we could get just a little bit more of that blend up in the verses and maybe balance out the Meka vocal with the Phil vocal a little more during the chorus, it would be perfect. The idea for this song in particular is that it's VERY duet-y and the chorus isn't really supposed to have one or the other punch out too much, but rather the blend of our two voices make up the tone. If you listen to the reference version (which is the Album version) you'll notice that it's got this weird kind of chorusy feel on the blend of the main vocals. That's the intention! When he and I sing together, we create a unique vocal blend that we really enjoy Smile

OVERALL I think you did a great job and I love the mix choices you made! Thanks a bundle for mixing this, and I hope you do more of our stuff in the future!!

Messages In This Thread
Timeless Part 1 MaybeJustOnce - by maybejustonce - 23-06-2023, 11:37 PM
RE: Timeless Part 1 MaybeJustOnce - by aftercutrecords - 06-07-2023, 09:49 PM