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Looking for feedback - Nova-One Studio: Four Graham
Downloaded the tracks with the idea to play with the DI files and some VST guitar sims, ended up falling in love with the song.

As a beginner - any feedback highly appreciated, as I wouldn't know what to improve anymore at this point, and I am sure there is plenty.

Overview of what I did (feel free to skip)
  • Could not manage to fix the drums so ended up using Steven Slate Trigger 2 to replace kickdrum and snares for samples.
  • Guitars and bass, ran the DI tracks into various VST amp sims, ended up going with Nalex Amplex, Ignite Amps TPA-1 and some nice IRs I had lying around. I don't know if I could have obtained better results with the amped tracks, didn't try.
  • Duplicated rhythm guitar and ran the tracks through different amp sims hard-panned left and right, with the lead guitar at the center, which I almost-muted on the palm mutes section which I think gave me a tighter sound and gives a sorta rush when the lead guitar comes back into the mix.
  • Evened out the volume of vocals with automation and compressed them quite a bit. Took the liberty to duplicate some backing vocals toward the end as the song felt more climactic this way, may the artists forgive me for taking the liberty to do that. Ran the backing vocals through an autotune VST although I am not sure this was needed.  
  • Used FerricTDS in many of the tracks for compression and saturation for the first time in my life, honestly I felt like I was clicking buttons without much direction until it seemed to improve the presence of each track in the mix and improved "cohesiveness" of the tracks if that makes sense.
I would like to thank the band for providing these files and the operators of this site for hosting them.

Thanks for any feedback!

.mp3    novaone-fourgraham-004.mp3 --  (Download: 3.76 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Looking for feedback - Nova-One Studio: Four Graham - by splinter - 28-06-2023, 06:39 PM