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Sophisticated Machines (Updated)
Ran these tracks through my sophisticated machine and came out with a fuzzy widget.
The guitar set the tone for the mix by needing to craft an environment it would sound appropriate in. This is what the mix evolved to.
What doest though think?

Bossfight - Droid - Mix 5
In this mix I approached the snare differently. With the amount of cymbal bleed into the snare, making it pop while not getting overwhelmed by the cymbal artifacts was a bit of a trick (without samples). The first mix had the snare gated but it wasn't perfect, and the snare was thuddy as a result.  No snare gate in Mix 5 but a lot of cymbals. I also chopped up the mono tom track so I could add panning to it. I think that helped a lot.
I hope I got this one right/better.

Bossfight - Droid - Mix 8
I usually do not go past 8 mix versions. If I can't find the song by version 7, it's typically passed me by. However, with this I went back to the original song file and re-edited, remixed and remastered it to let the Kracken out. Not sure if I was successful, but it is a different take from the previous darker mixes. Fixing a few bad drum fills (differently than previous mixes) was completed and automating the tom fills helped.  

As always, mix well and mix often.

PS: Comments appreciated

.mp3    Bossfight- Droid.mp3 --  (Download: 11.82 MB)

.mp3    Bossfight - Droid - Mix 5.mp3 --  (Download: 11.94 MB)

.mp3    Bossfight - Droid - Mix 8.mp3 --  (Download: 12.11 MB)

PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]

Messages In This Thread
Sophisticated Machines (Updated) - by Mixinthecloud - 29-03-2023, 04:32 PM