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C U Next Time - Blackcapaudio mix

Yes, I agree this is a nice mix. I recall this one is quite challenging. Mixing rock is also really difficult. I think you might be able to fix that machine gun snare by just changing the volume of each snare hit a bit.

If you wish to pursue getting a loud mix (6-7 LUFS seems to be the ballpark for loud punk/rock mixes) it is more about getting the right volume balance between the instruments to give the impression of loudness, as well as getting the overall frequency balance and compression right - so nothing is poking out too much when it hits the limiter.

It's worth demoing different limiters too, as some handle being pushed far better than others. I find subjectively 'better' mixes take being pushed easier, with less bad side effects.

Speaking from experience It takes a lot of hard work, trial and error experimentation, and also a lot of failures and frustration. Hard to describe but loud mixes kind of just happen, if you start from the outset with that goal in mind.

(As an aside, I thought I'd done a half decent mix of this a while back, but I just checked and it's truly terrible! Far too much low end on the kick for a start).

I'm still very much working at this, but a couple of more recent (and hopefully subjectively a whole lot better), loud mixes I did were House Of Bedlam - Eventide, and The Laminar Flow - Headspace. It might be worth having a try at those if you wanted a couple of good tracks to practice mixing loud with.

This may or may not be of any use, but thought I'd share my thoughts anyway, in case it might help.

Anyway, keep at it as I feel you are probably further ahead with this than you think.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: C U Next Time - Blackcapaudio mix - by Roy - 27-07-2022, 08:23 PM
RE: C U Next Time - Blackcapaudio mix - by mikej - 25-07-2022, 03:32 PM
RE: C U Next Time - Blackcapaudio mix - by mikej - 26-07-2022, 09:53 PM