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A Sailor Once More - Feedback welcome!
I like the crisp and present voice! It comes through clear without being harsh or thin. Nice!
Also like that you have used the bottom end of the acoustic guitars for weight and fullness.
I am not a great fan of the shaker and hats leading and sticking out in the high frequencies. The guitar strums make a more folky high frequency rhythm energy for me.
You got good transparency in the upper end going, that's nice. The bottom end is a bit thick, I thought. The guitars then get masked by bass and drums, which is a pity.
I was wondering how fat the kick should be. In my mix I relegated it to the back as a rhythmic element and made it lighter. You've got quite a (great sounding) stomp going. I am not an expert on music genre style here, so just pointing out that this is one way of doing it that creates a certain vibe.

Messages In This Thread
RE: A Sailor Once More - Feedback welcome! - by billabong68 - 11-12-2021, 06:04 AM