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Whitten And. Williams - How To Make A Mirror (MIX/MASTER)

First off apologies for the delay in getting round to checking out your mix.

Listening to V2 - pretty good! I quite like that reverb/delay vocal effect at the beginning. Only thing for me is that I feel the side stick might perhaps be a touch loud when it comes in. I didn't try this, but it occurs to me it might be possible to split the drums up in to a couple of channels to have control over the kick and the side stick (with a bit of highpass/lowpass) as I recall it is difficult to get the bass drum loud enough in the mix relative to that sidestick (the kick is a bit too quiet in my attempt). That aside. I think this one is quite challenging and you've done decent job here.

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Whitten And. Williams - How To Make A Mirror (MIX/MASTER) - by mikej - 25-11-2021, 08:19 PM