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Never let you go ...the version I liked best
(17-10-2021, 01:00 AM)SonicTramp Wrote:
(17-10-2021, 12:32 AM)Omnishambles Wrote: "We" didn't make this an issue. Mikej responded to your post on and I backed him up because your post made it seem like you took it personally. "We" weren't the issue. This isn't "our" rules. It's the rules of the forum as set by the owner of the forum, Mike Senior. I'm not sure what "agreement" was come to. This really isn't a big deal. No one will be thinking about this in 10 years. Nor 10 hours honestly. Just keep the language clean. That applies to all of us. It's not hard.
*And you sided with him on what I said is inappropriate? Be honest and tell me that whoever reads my post will foam at the mouth bc of the word. And now you tell me to use "clean" language for an audience that you yourself don't know anything about. Anything else? how about clean thoughts? (1984). You strip the meaning of the word until it means nothing anymore. So is it ok if I use clean words to insult someone? Form over functions? And you yourself never utter such words? We have a word for it: hypocrite. There! it's a nice word for you.
I'm not sure what you're not understanding. Yes, use clean language so the forum can be a place that anyone will feel comfortable reading and posting. The audience could be "grown men" or a crusty woman sailor who knows expletives in 12 languages or students sent here by a teacher from a school or...anyone really. It doesn't even matter. Don't use foul language. Don't insult anyone, regardless of the words used. Disagree and debate like adults would. I'm sorry if these basic rules upset you. They're not targeting you. They apply to everyone who posts. This isn't personal. If that's too difficult then maybe this isn't the place for you. But really the rules for decorum on the forum aren't hard to follow. All we ask is that you and anyone please do so.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Never let you go ...the version I liked best - by Roy - 17-10-2021, 01:12 AM