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Brian C Cai Fei Hong-never let you go- Sonictramp
(06-10-2021, 02:52 PM)Lucas Alber Wrote: Hi! Smile

I like tonal balance on your headphone mix a lot. It's like removing a blanket. Everything got way cleaner.

I've got some general feedback: 
- Recheck your sub 50hz low end at the buildup and chorus (you can use a lowpass filter to make out the problems more easily) there is some low-end rumble, and it seems that in the exact moment the bass changes from the effect track to the subbass track there is interference between the two tracks.
- I screenshotted my loudness meter after playing your buildup and chorus. Notice the drop in the middle, that is when the chorus should hit.

(@Y's Man: My 770 are quite V-shaped, maybe that's why you like the more midrangey speaker version? Smile )
*thanks, man, for the time. Yeah, I guess the blankets are on the wall instead of my mix now Smile. O.k. I see what you mean. I will work on it more and see. Thanks for the feedback. And yeah, the bass is always the trouble maker. I feel the pain most of the time, man. But somewhat a masochist, I kinda enjoy the process. I love mixing. Thanks.

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RE: Brian C Cai Fei Hong-never let you go- Sonictramp - by SonicTramp - 07-10-2021, 02:06 AM