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Brian C Cai Fei Hong-never let you go- Sonictramp
(30-09-2021, 11:03 PM)mikej Wrote: Hi!


I think you pretty much got it sorted now Smile.  The -4db down mix is sounding really very good here.  Great work!

Yeah it can be frustrating but as you can see in this thread (and have mentioned) you are not alone in this, and reading through there's some great real world practical advice in this thread from others that have been in exactly the same position.

Regarding headphones - for me I decided to use my monitors as the master reference (I have a fixed volume level set that I can go back to also).  The monitors go much lower freq wise than any headphones I have.  My room is problematic but I just get on with it.  Any issues I hear on headphones or other speakers I go back to my monitors and figure out how to both hear and correct the issues there as best I can. 

*I still want to go back and learn to mix with headphone tho. I think it's better to learn to mix with monitor first. Here's my reason. When I mixed with headphone, I never got to hear anything lower than 100Hz, and we all know what that means. I hear bass when I cranked it up, but "bass" is far away from specific frequency. Let alone anything lower than that. It was impossible for me to hear them and therefore balance them. I gave up and bought the HS8.
However, when I listen to my mix (from speakers) in my headphone, I hear how it reproduces those frequency and recognize them better than before I knew what they sounded like. I guess it's a backward way of learning but that's the reason for me. I don't regret buying the speakers at all bc they show me what those frequencies sound like in live setting.

Check out the 14 minute mark on the video I've linked below - as they are talking about mixing on headphones, they talk from the perspective of having the headphones as the master reference, I do the same thing, but I use the monitors as the master reference.

*sure will. Thanks

Headphones and earbuds I find are a useful mix check.  I do have one pair of cheap studio headphones (AKG240 that I got for 30 quid from Amazon) that I found I can actually mix on and they translate to the speakers ok.  I've got a couple of pairs of more expensive headphones that I discovered are actually quite useless for me and I found that they actually caused me quite a lot of problems, despite being highly rated.  My point is you got to find out what works for you, as we are all different.

*True that.

To be honest I feel it is a case of just learning and keeping in mind how whatever system you happen to be  mixing on translates to other systems. 

Here's a pretty good recent video on the puremix channel where Andrew and Fab are discussing mixing on headphones that is worth a watch.  I recall what they discuss also makes sense from the perspective of mixing on speakers too.

Anyway, the main thing is that your mixes have got much much better, especially now your bass issue is hopefully well on the way to being solved.

*Phew! That was scarily fun. Your comment helps with my confidence in the room. It seems the switch did the trick. Did not know the magnitude of the impact. Lesson learned. All I need to do is to have those absorber  made properly instead of blankets and duffle bags. So from here on out the pressure is on me. Woohoo!

A big thank you to everybody who participated in this conversation. It helps. We have evidence Smile. Now I can go on and learn to mix. Thanks, man.

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RE: Brian C Cai Fei Hong-never let you go- Sonictramp - by SonicTramp - 01-10-2021, 12:15 AM