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Brian C Cai Fei Hong-never let you go- Sonictramp
(30-09-2021, 08:42 AM)Lucas Alber Wrote: neverletyougo-4dBdown.mp3


Your new mix sounds a lot better in the low end, to my taste you could boost it even further.  In this mix my primary focus would be on the general balance of the instruments since some stand out too much. Also, the chorus drops again in energy -  but that should be a manner of pushing the faders.

I think the best would be to take your time and listen to your favorite records. Learn how your system sounds and behaves and how you can consistently recreate the sound you want.

I took my time and started using (good) headphones in addition to speakers. Not only do they reproduce the very lows a bit better, but also they don't care about room acoustics and are much more consistent (I could reproduce my sound anywhere on earth). Some professionals mix only on headphones (I think it's Andrew Scheps that did some interviews on his workflow?) others don't. In my opinion, the best is trying things out - if it helps: good, if not: try something else.
*Thanks for the advice. I will do that. Why not? I have a pair of decent cans (AKG 712pro). Tbh, I wish I can just mix with H-phones. Much easier as far as mobility/convenience is concerned. I tried but failed. Maybe it's a good time to come back for another visit. And sure, who doesn't know Andrew Scheps and his complete transition to ITB? I bet that doesn't sit well with those who invested if not millions, hundreds of thousands on equipment. His move inspires me. Swimming against the current has its own reward, and some reward cannot be measured by money. He practically kicked the door wide open for us little guys.

Yep, I have been listening to my speakers for the last couple months and grow to like them more than my cans. Feeling the music hitting my ears from the speakers gives me a different kind of high. Hard to describe. Somehow, more satisfying Smile.

Sure, I'll work on it more. There's nothing I rather do anyway. It'll take some time for me to get used to listen to new sound from my speakers and work on the balancing act accordingly. If I can hear it, I think I can find a way to control it. "It's the punch that you don't see coming that hurts" It's what I don't hear or recognize that hurts my mix. I am learning Smile. Thanks, man, for the time. I really appreciate it.

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RE: Brian C Cai Fei Hong-never let you go- Sonictramp - by SonicTramp - 30-09-2021, 09:45 AM