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Brian C Cai Fei Hong-never let you go- Sonictramp

It's a bit better, but still some ways to go with the low end there. 

To be honest I think it is just a case of putting in the right amount of low end and learning to hear what that sounds like with your speakers in your room.  This is where listening at a fixed level, using the analyser and also level matched references helped me.

Some mix ideas that may help:

I just found my mix session.  The real low end in this mix comes from the kick I think.  It is the blend of the bass with the kick that gives that low end.    I used very few plugins really.  The only plugin on each kick channel is an eq, and I have an ssl bus comp on the drum bus.  Bass just has an eq on each bass track, and some slight eq on the bass bus.  For me, this mix was mainly about getting the right volume balance between tracks. 

I've added analyser screenshots of your mix_5 and mix_6, and also my mix as a ref for the low end.  I've also added a screenshot of the kick 1 and bass 1 eqs too.  Hopefully this will all help?


Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!

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RE: Brian C Cai Fei Hong-never let you go- Sonictramp - by mikej - 30-09-2021, 01:45 AM