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Brennon Causey Mixing - 'NostalgicV2'
I gave it a quick listen. I agree about the 'esses'. It seems needlessly loud overall. I like the stereo guitar effect. It could use more bass in the chorus. I'll play devils advocate and say there doesn't 'need' to be any hang between the 1st verse and chorus. But yeah, there's an opportunity to tie the emotions of the song between sections. I will say there is a click that annoys the h-e-double hockey sticks out of of me. I think it's in one of the synths. It's in a bunch of mixes and makes me want to punch a baby. I think the chorus could be bigger in relation to the verse. It's such a naked song that dynamics is one of the few tools we have to make a point to the listener.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.

Messages In This Thread
Brennon Causey Mixing - 'NostalgicV2' - by 401kBC - 18-07-2021, 05:43 PM
RE: Brennon Causey Mixing - 'Nostalgic' - by Roy - 19-07-2021, 02:26 AM