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!!!Update - mITc's Feeling Nostalgic - Updated!!!
I haven't mixed this one yet so I don't really know the tracks.
My gut reaction is the vocal is a little loud. Through the first half, or maybe just the first verse it's a bit too much the focus. Later on when there are more elements in the song besides just vocal and guitar the vocal sits better. It's tough because on one hand this is a song that wants the vocal to be up from and the focus but on the other it's a bit emotional and needs to pull the listener in but without bombast. It's a fine line.
I think the hard 'k' sounds in the vocal could be tamed a bit. At least, in the 2nd halves of the verses. Just a db or two.
The guitar might be a bit too percussive. I wish it had more 'tone'. I don't know if that's the mix or the recording.
The reverse reverb going into the first verse could come back.

These are all nit picks. It sounds pretty good. I can't say I hear anything negative from any bus compression.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.

Messages In This Thread
RE: mITc's Feeling Nostalgic - by Roy - 07-07-2021, 11:21 PM
RE: mITc's Feeling Nostalgic - by Mixinthecloud - 07-07-2021, 11:39 PM