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Jokers, Jacks & Kings - Sea of Leaves - GERRIT
So this mix was one of the more challenging ones I've faced so far.

Three major things I struggled with:
1. Getting enough thump out of the kick drum (like Mike Senior's Mix) but without over powering the rest of the kit. Don't think I nailed it completely. Huh
2. Making the "somebody scream" section (and I quote Mike Senior) "RAUCOUS" enough. Big Grin
3. Backing Vocals!!!
Like Mike Senior said: "backing vocals would benefit from some editing and tuning work if you're planning on using them at any significant level in the mix" - AND it took A LOT of EDITING and TUNING!!!
But in the end I got them to "add" to the mix. (I think) Tongue

On the other hand, it's a GREAT track and recorded pretty well in my opinion.
Really enjoyed mixing it.

Please let me know what you guys think!

.mp3    Jokers, Jacks & Kings - Sea of Leaves (2nd Mix).mp3 --  (Download: 7.26 MB)

A song is never finished... Only abandoned. So sing if you've got nothing left to say.

Messages In This Thread
Jokers, Jacks & Kings - Sea of Leaves - GERRIT - by Gerrit - 16-10-2013, 01:15 PM