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How I got to Memphis
Thanks for the feedback! Just trying to get better Smile Tom T. Hall is a great artist and a tough act to follow on his own material.

I recorded the acoustic DI using my cheapo Cort guitar with two different takes for depth (and to cover my screwups) and then twisted up the audio with EQ to fake the quality and try to make it sound kind of 12-stringy. Might not be my best artist work so I had to do a LOT of processing Smile It was an experiment that I kind of liked so I figured, let's keep it.

On the electric lead perspective, I wasn't sure how I wanted to deal that up. I actually thought about it more like a fiddle part and less like an electric guitar during the solos. I was going for that 'far away' sound - I automated in a fade in the wet/dry mix for the solo sections so it's a super easy fix to tighten it up. Maybe I went too far. The original has that slide guitar thing going on, I don't like it there, and I don't think I'd want a slide guitar thing in your version either.

As for bass - the George Strait song gives me an idea of how I think the bass tracked. What I wanted to hear was 100% lockup with the kick drum. I'm not a fan of having the bass playing when it's been a while since the last kick drum sound. In thinking about my commentary some more, I might walk that back the bit on bass and say that the kick is the issue and not the bass as much. There is some dynamic variability in the bass line that I fought with and lost - my issue might also be that I want an upright bass in the song. Now I'm being snobby.

Listening to it again, it's a bit bright but an easy fix, too. Since I know you're engaged, I'll give the song a bit more love and see what I can come up with.

Messages In This Thread
How I got to Memphis - by DiscoDynamo - 01-05-2021, 08:25 PM
RE: How I got to Memphis - by crissmichaels - 05-05-2021, 08:32 PM
RE: How I got to Memphis - by crissmichaels - 06-05-2021, 01:46 PM
RE: How I got to Memphis - by DiscoDynamo - 10-05-2021, 07:42 PM
RE: How I got to Memphis - by crissmichaels - 10-05-2021, 11:37 PM
RE: How I got to Memphis - by DiscoDynamo - 22-05-2021, 06:20 PM