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Milk Cow Blues

No, the mix is not that bad!

I've not attempted to mix this one but it sounds good to me. Maybe the lead vocals could do with a little thickening up in the lower mids for my taste perhaps, but that is about all that springs to mind.

What is perhaps not so encouraging for you is that I see you have posted up 21 mixes so far, and have not received any comments. If it is any consolation I have about 50 past mixes with no comments so far. It can be a bit of a lottery really.

I do find I usually get a lot out of value personally from attempting and posting a mix, even if I don't get any comments, as I think it makes you try that little bit harder. Sometimes it can be surprising what people pick up on and it can be a real learning experience. Other times it can be more confirming what you expected - like, "Yeah - maybe the vocal is a bit loud" kind of thing!

Not sure about others, but for me, certainly, it does take some time and thought to write a considered critique, even if that critique is only a few lines.

My advice?

Comment on people's mixes in the same forum that you like, or mixes you feel you can give a helpful critique on... If people get a notification that someone has commented on a mix of theirs, they might 'pay it forward' and return the favour with a comment on your mix too. No guarantees though. I do see people comment on maybe half a dozen mixes, and maybe one of those half-dozen will pay it forward and return the favour if they are lucky.

Probably the best tip is to have a go at some of the latest mixes posted up, and comment on a few yourself too. They will be the most active threads and you will stand more chance of getting some engagement I think.

You could also fire off a PM or two to users whose mixes and comments on the forum you like, and ask if they wouldn't mind reviewing a particular mix of yours? I am sure most would be happy to oblige.

In the past I've got some really detailed and helpful advice from a few members here, just by sending them a message - something like - "hey I am really struggling to get a good snare sound with this track here, and your mix sounds great, do you mind if I ask how you did it?" kind of thing.

Useful engagement on this site can be a bit hit and miss I'm afraid... I am not quite sure if there is an exact answer, but you probably need to start making a few comments here and there, and making yourself a little more visible.

The key is to seek out like minded people and try to help each other out a bit.

Hope that helps a little? Maybe others will be able to comment on your mix, and also offer their own advice regarding getting useful comments and critiques, etc?

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!

Messages In This Thread
Milk Cow Blues - by Rafal - 05-05-2021, 11:53 AM
RE: Milk Cow Blues - by mikej - 05-05-2021, 12:41 PM
RE: Milk Cow Blues - by Rafal - 26-05-2021, 10:36 AM
RE: Milk Cow Blues - by mikej - 26-05-2021, 10:30 PM