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Actions - Devil's Words (3.0)
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Quote:I listened to 2.2. I didn't A/B it just took it on it's own on a new day. I really like the drums/bass. There might be some low end/sub shenanigans that I can't really hear on the earbuds. I think it might be the kick. That's more just my gut talking. I might just need breakfast.

I need breakfast too. 

It is kind of getting past lunchtime here though now.

I do seem to be a bit happier with mixing drums lately. Certainly feels better, since really figuring out and understanding that drum bus compression thing anyway.

(Is it me, or are the drums a bit on the busy side in this?)

Yeah, bass is much better since you hinted it could be a bit more present.

I added some extra sub weight to the kick (sub synth thingy)... In hindsight I should really have checked it on my sub too, but I didn't quite make the stretch over to it's 'on' switch.

Seemed ok on my bassier earbuds, but it did cross my mind that it might be too much.  I'll check it properly later.
Quote:The main guitars work. I kinda want a pinch of mids/high mids. Like a dB @ 3k or something. But I don't know if it's necessary but the drums have so much attack and definition that the guitars could compete a bit more. Maybe they can't with the distortion that's on there and all that. Or maybe they chouldn't

Me too, but I felt the 3k clashed with the vocal too much.  I might try an extra db though.

Quote:The verse/melodic guitars feel bit quiet. I'm on the fence about this.

Same.  To be honest I kind of forgot about them.  When I realised, I wasn't sure if they actually needed to be louder, so I left them as is.  I dunno, maybe they can be bumped up a bit.

Quote:The vocals and maybe just the lead vocal seems to pop out at times. Maybe it's over enthusiastic automation.

Maybe.  I am currently practicing doing ssl style relative trim automation with my old faderport.  I recently discovered it is possible to do this in the Reaper DAW, thanks to Mike's tea-break podcast. 

Basically you can do an automation pass, then do subsequent passes relative to the previous one.  As opposed to just overwriting the automation which is the more usual set up, if that makes sense?

It's something I've really wanted to try for years, after watching some YouTube of Sam Thomas mixing India Arie and Danity Kane on an SSL 4000.  I figured out he was doing multiple passes and really honing the volume automation closer to perfection on each pass. 

I feel this is the real skill and secret of how CLA builds everything in his mixes too, with the guitar 'pushes' etc?? 

To be fair the vocals in this really are all over the shop dynamics wise, and require more than just compression to fix I think.  I probably just need to spend a bit more time knocking the vocals in to shape with the automation.  

I thought I'd done a reasonable job with the main guitar automation though.  Certainly I can see it making a huge difference to my mixes, with practice, going forward. 

Quote:I hate how this song ends. It's not your fault. The recording ends too abruptly.

Indeed.  It bothers me too, but I couldn't think of anything else that would work, so far.  Which also bothered me...

Quote:I dunno. Maybe I can give it another listen after coffee/breakfast. I know it's all fairly vague. Overall it sounds good. It could use some minor adjustments, if that. I'd say move on and come back to it at another time when your head is clear of it.

Yeah... I can't seem to feel that I've got this one close to working really for some reason.  I think it's perhaps down to the vocal register and delivery really.  I get the idea of the juxtaposition of the vocal style with the heavy guitars, but it's not exactly Paramore, and I can't figure out how to make it really work as it is I suppose. 

The thing is it's not terrible, and it's not a bad idea in itself either, if that makes sense.  

It also seems to really badly screw with my sense of perception regarding tonality too.  Especially (relatively) comparing Mike's version with the 'video' mix.  The guitars seem quite dull after Mike's mix, but then Mike's guitars seem too bright after getting used to the video mix.... 

I guess I generally like to at least feel I tried to do the best I can (with my current skill level) for a mix at a given time before moving on.  This one does seems to be getting me down a bit more than usual for some reason.

Comparing with other refs I think maybe I could high pass everything a little more, kind of thin everything out a touch maybe, and make it a little brighter overall perhaps.  Dunno.

Quote:ps. Sorry for all of the doubt entendre. They were unintentional. (see? now people will go back and reread trying to find them. I'm a genius)

I have no idea what a doubt entendre is.  (I do doubt this mix though!).


(Oh, I enjoyed the slipperman thing.  Not sure it really helped me to eq guitars but some good insight and I did need the laugh!)
Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!

Messages In This Thread
Actions - Devil's Words (3.0) - by mikej - 18-03-2021, 04:14 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 18-03-2021, 05:15 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 18-03-2021, 05:27 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 18-03-2021, 06:46 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 18-03-2021, 07:05 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 18-03-2021, 07:11 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 18-03-2021, 07:30 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 18-03-2021, 11:41 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 19-03-2021, 12:28 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 19-03-2021, 01:35 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 19-03-2021, 01:43 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 19-03-2021, 02:15 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 19-03-2021, 02:23 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 19-03-2021, 02:46 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 19-03-2021, 02:49 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 19-03-2021, 03:13 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 19-03-2021, 10:55 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 20-03-2021, 12:41 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 20-03-2021, 02:41 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 20-03-2021, 03:02 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 20-03-2021, 04:39 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by mikej - 21-03-2021, 03:36 AM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (2.0) - by Roy - 21-03-2021, 12:17 PM
RE: Actions - Devil's Words (3.0) - by mikej - 21-03-2021, 09:16 PM