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My mix "perdidos na zone sul"!
Oof, where do I start with this? I feel like experiencing this mix in layers.

It started fairly underwhelming at the intro, with everything well balanced but lacking that punch, but then the first verse came and wow; those acoustic guitars are just great, warm and intimate and the piano just nailed, keeping the atmosphere. With the chorus coming up, I can understand what was the purpose on the lackluster intro, it falls very nicely with the rest.

Still, I think the drums could have been more panned and punchier, the whole thing seems just ever so slightly lacking in bass quantity. At some points on the second verse you can hear some ducking, so maybe an automation to get the compression fine tuned for that part or maybe changing settings (slower attack, for example) to even out those sudden volume variations.

Overall I think this is fantastic, I love your take on the acoustics (might have biased my choices by now haha), I didn't expected to come here and listen to such a great mix.

Messages In This Thread
My mix "perdidos na zone sul"! - by jesuspm00 - 19-02-2021, 10:30 PM
RE: My mix "perdidos na zone sul"! - by Kevinw0lf - 20-02-2021, 02:27 AM
RE: My mix "perdidos na zone sul"! - by jesuspm00 - 21-02-2021, 05:53 PM