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Rescue me
(28-01-2021, 01:37 PM)heinim Wrote:
(27-01-2021, 12:15 PM)SonicTramp Wrote: First mix. Comments welcome. Thanks for the listen.
Hello SonicTramp!. I like your mix a good idea to pan the guitars and mandolin. Maybe for me the bass is a tiny bit boxy, anyway a good job. Cheers!
* Thanks Heinim, for leaving a comment. Glad you noticed the boxy bass. I thought it was slightly so but wasn't confident enough to go in there and carve it out. (I am still new with this. Sometimes I feel I don't even know what I don't know). Now I can go and do something since you confirmed it. Folks in here may need just that. Sometimes a problem correctly pointed out can help tremendously. I, for one, churned out hundreds of stupid mixes not too long ago and bc of the critiques of the community I gradually get better. So yeah, it pays to learn to take criticism well.

About the panning scheme: some dudes on the net told me when I want to pan something to the L, for example, then find something else similar in frequency and rhythm and pan to the opposite. In this song I find nothing like that but the mandolin seems to have enough weight to counter the guitar, and it's not like we have a lot of choices here, so it seems logical to pan them wide and hope I'll have a wider mix. The harder part was getting the mandolin to show up in the mix clearly. I am not too happy with the kick I have either, a little thump-y and not cutting thru as it should. I heard some mixes in here with awesome kick. Trying to duplicate that.

My advice to you is to go around and listen to the same song you mix since you know all the tracks and their problems. That's great way to learn, imo. I usually listen to at least 10 mixes in here before I start. That way I have a better idea on how to go about it. I know what I like and try to avoid what I don't. The second benefit is it forces you to listen more carefully and more critically since you don't want to mislead the mixer on what you like or don't like. In my opinion, both are equally worth doing. And sure criticism is never a good way to make friends, so just be cool and honestly state your opinions with an intention to help. They'll know. Hope you agree. Cheers!

Messages In This Thread
Rescue me - by SonicTramp - 27-01-2021, 12:15 PM
RE: Rescue me - by heinim - 28-01-2021, 01:37 PM
RE: Rescue me - by SonicTramp - 28-01-2021, 09:36 PM
RE: Rescue me - by heinim - 28-01-2021, 11:05 PM
RE: Rescue me - by chuck moe - 19-02-2021, 04:03 AM
RE: Rescue me - by SonicTramp - 19-02-2021, 05:49 AM