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Alan Mansfield & John Pritchard - Boat Ride.

I kind of started over for mix 2.0, so they are different things, rather than improvements on the same mix. Trying to get a bit more of a laid back feel, and highlight more of the guitars. I need a lot more practice but I've definitely learned something about mix balance with this go. The tip with the guitars was also really helpful too as I really wasn't getting what I wanted from the guitars.

This is a great session for learning. All of the parts seem to work really well together in whatever combinations you can think of. I think you can try for anything from a more stripped back rock sound, to a more kind of, I dunno, Nashville? kind of a thing. Kind of tough to know which direction to settle on. Really good fun though, and I'm learning a lot too... ...I think!

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Alan Mansfield & John Pritchard - Boat Ride. - by mikej - 05-11-2020, 09:47 PM