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Angels In Amplifiers - I am Allright(Infinito Mix)
very very thin, far too much reverb and delay. it's all muddling together and sounds messy. i don't know if you re-sampled the drums or something but they sound pretty dead. personally i wouldn't even touch as many effects as you did. electric guitar sounds like there's an overactive phaser on it. some of the creative uses of the effects are okay like the reversed sounds but overall it sounds drowned and quite amatureish. i'm sorry i can't think of a different word to use. just very messy and unfocussed. i do like how the percussion track comes in and out at certain times though, i didn't think to do that.

- try parallel compression on your drums and double up on the snare
- cut back the reverbs and delays A LOT
- stop making instruments sound so thin, so less aggressive EQ, just do some gentle boosting and cutting at times
- try get a good balance between using effects creatively and overdoing it. there's just too much stereo delay and it's making your track unfocussed and messy

I personally would only use a very short reverb on the vocals and process them with parallel compression and a VERY quick slapback delay, automating something like a stereo reverb to come in only at certain points or just not using it at all.
cut the low unused frequencies from the bass and try to bring it through a bit more and beef out the acoustic guitars a bit, some low mid range boosts or better yet, cut the area you wish to boost out of something that sits over the thing you want larger, so that you can allow the other to come through better. i.e. if i wanted the 2k area of the vocals to shine through a little more but boosting made it sound unnatural and disguised say... the cymbals or hi-hat, remove a tiny cut from the 2k area on the cymbals or hi-hat. don't do that, that's an example of the process you would use to do such a thing. i'm tired and probably not making much sense. that's work for you.

hope that was helpful


Messages In This Thread
RE: Angels In Amplifiers - I am Allright(Infinito Mix) - by shugo541 - 21-09-2013, 10:49 PM