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Angelo Boltini - This Town
Hello everyone, here is my mix. Any feedback is welcome  Wink

.mp3    Angelo Boltini - This Town .mp3 --  (Download: 8.52 MB)

I can only give a quick listen. In general everything feels ok. My biggest is the Lead Vocal. It just feels a little weak compared to everything else. It's such a big, grand song but also relatively simple and it feels like the vocal should command it and not get lost no matter what the parts are at the time. It definitely needs some automation.

I'm not a fan of the vocal effect delay, at least at the top where it's more exposed. It's a bit distracting. that might be more of a personal thing.

I feel like maybe the bass guitar could be a little more defined. I'm not sure. I feel it but I wonder it is doing anything interesting melodically underneath everything. I dunno.

Other than that I'm sure there are other tweaks that can be done but nothing is jumping out at me as being off. Maybe the tambourine. That seems like it's sticking out to me but tambs generally bother me.

Hope that helps
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Thank you for listening RoyM and very helpful feedback!
hi! thanks for feedback. in general sounds very good. agree with roy about tamburine. one issue (or non-issue) comes to mind: sound is very nice and full when the entire soundstage is present. but when arrangement goes smaller, it kind of feels like some frequency areas diminish very much. for me example, the lead vocal sounds quite sharp (too much upper middle strenght?) during verses, but on larger parts, when there are lots of other things going on, it sits better etc. or the intro: the overall sound is close to 'displeasing', until the drums come and fill the spectrum. not that the spectrum should always be full, but maybe ease up on eq, if you utilized eq much. hope this make sense. ^_^
Thank you very much kapu! I really apreciate it!
Agree with kapu. It's a bit sharp, but otherwise very good. It's also (as most mixes) too loud.

Drop it in at the (for example)  to see how the mix would be turned down in volume if uploaded to some of the common streming sites.