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Polemic (ArieHerz mix)
My mix of this cool song Smile

.mp3    Mistrusted - Polemic.mp3 --  (Download: 5.61 MB)

It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
The track itself added. (Due to the interface change, I didn't figure out how to attach it the first time)
Nicely done. Liking the drums. Bass needs something to bring it out a bit more distortion, chorus etc...
Could use a bit more of the feedback guitar more sustain perhaps and the lead needs a small bump up.
Good mix very listenable.

Hi Ariel,
Good version, Nice use of panning, separation is good, Vocal feels a bit too open. I like the gtrs, bass basically too. The weakest point to me are drums. Perhaps ove compressed feels like they lost energy. Perhaps scooped too much too IMO. Nevertheless, good job. Cheers
I suspect that everyone here has different opinions of the drums, but to me they sound like real drums that are being played by a person. It's a stylistic choice that I respect, instead of trying to clean them up so much that they just sound like samples. It fits your overall stereo field. I actually think this is one of the best sounding choruses yet, because the guitars fill out all the space that I personally think they're supposed to.

Good mix, mate. I dig the distortion on the vocals and the way it all blended so nicely.