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I Didn't Find The Kick Track?
When I downloaded the 43 track session it came with a kick sample that was longer than the song and doesn't relate in any way to the kick I hear in the overheads and snare bleed.

I'm new here, is there something I'm missing? If not is it possible to get the kick track from someone? It's a lovely song.

Thanks for the help!
Interesting. I opened up the version I had saved from when I worked on it and there's a kick track that isn't a sample. I don't recall having to move anything. Maybe the version I have save is older and has been changed but that seems unlikely. I'll download it again from the site and see what happens.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
I downloaded the file again and everything seems right. I can't directly upload a wav file here. I'd say try downloading the multitrack again. If not PM me and maybe we can figure out a way I can get the Kick to you
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Roy, you are a friend and a scholar.. thanks for the offer to send over the kick. Yesterday I tried downloading it twice and got the wrong kick but today it downloaded and included the original kick. Who knows but I'm excited to be working on this song! Thanks again.
Glad it worked out.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.