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Hollowstate - Mike F. Mix
Hello, this is my mix version of this nice song. I really enjoyed the whole process! I tried to give more "space" and "ambience" to the track. Usually I put delay/reverb effects in post production, so using this technique could be risky when you have guitars with a lot of effects already recorded. I'm curious about your opinions! Cheers!

DAW: Studio One 4 Pro

.mp3    Hollowstate - Mike F. Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 10.15 MB)

It feels pretty good. It's somewhat crowded but I can still hear most of the parts well. Maybe reduce the mids (around say 500hz?) on some instruments to scoop out more space for the vocals. I think doing it on some tracks would work better than cutting the overall mix.
It feels compressed to me (though I'm hardly one to judge compression). However, looking at the waveform it does have some dynamic range. Especially at the choruses. So I'm not sure.
Maybe some of my issues have to do with any potential reverb added in post. May I ask why you do that? If it works for you then great but it's somewhat unusual and I'm curious to know what the reasoning is.

Over all it's not bad. It can still use some work but it's a good start. There's a lot going on in this song.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
(14-02-2019, 03:53 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: It feels pretty good. It's somewhat crowded but I can still hear most of the parts well. Maybe reduce the mids (around say 500hz?) on some instruments to scoop out more space for the vocals. I think doing it on some tracks would work better than cutting the overall mix.
It feels compressed to me (though I'm hardly one to judge compression). However, looking at the waveform it does have some dynamic range. Especially at the choruses. So I'm not sure.
Maybe some of my issues have to do with any potential reverb added in post. May I ask why you do that? If it works for you then great but it's somewhat unusual and I'm curious to know what the reasoning is.

Over all it's not bad. It can still use some work but it's a good start. There's a lot going on in this song.

Thanks for your reply, I didn't cut any freqs during the mastering process, and I didn't really eq tracks a lot in the mix because I wanted to keep their "natural raw" sound. So probably the mid range problem is related to guitars (but I may be wrong).
Regarding the reverb in post production I feel it's more a personal thing, I wanted to catch that 90's indie sound and I think it connects each instruments better and it adds some "glue". The bad side of this is that if I use a lot of "reverb" the track may sound "crowded", so maybe I have to decrease that.
Hey Mike,

Definitely liked your approach, gave some 90's vibe indeed, especially on chorus and leads and the balance was on point! But as always, with that much fx , some automation would help to not let buildups blur some passages. Vocals could cut through a little more and some mid cuts on gtrs could help clear thinks up a little bit. The only major downside I hear is much lack of low end. Anyway, it was an interesting approach, keep it up!
(16-02-2019, 06:09 PM)yodiag Wrote: Hey Mike,

Definitely liked your approach, gave some 90's vibe indeed, especially on chorus and leads and the balance was on point! But as always, with that much fx , some automation would help to not let buildups blur some passages. Vocals could cut through a little more and some mid cuts on gtrs could help clear thinks up a little bit. The only major downside I hear is much lack of low end. Anyway, it was an interesting approach, keep it up!

Thanks! Yes I agree, I need to put more bass traps in my room! I tend to cut low-freq, maybe too much. haha