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Eliza Jane - Bluesman Mix
Here is my mix of "Eliza Jane", enjoy :-)

Edit: Update Mix4

.mp3    ElizaJane_bm.mp3 --  (Download: 11.69 MB)

It feels pretty good. The only thing that jumps out of me is that it feels a little "tubby" and fat on the low end/low mids of the bass. It's not that bad but it weighs the song down a bit. But I'm listening on earbuds. Who knows how it'll feel to someone else.

There's a random click at about 3:21. I think it's on the kick but don't know.

Other than that the only thought that I have is that it could use some more automation or arrangement changes to catch the listener's ear and give the mix a little more dynamics. Maybe some reverb or subtle effects could help too.

Hope that helps.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Thank you for the feedback, Roy.
I updated the mix.

So this is my last mix :-)
Updated to mix4, feedback is welcome.

Read it all, but especially the sentence commencing, "When posting a new mix version"

We are also not here simply to be exploited in order to satisfy your self interests. This site only works if you give and don't just take from others.

Please show some respect.
Listening to your latest version ,Nice work I like it better than my versions ,I think if you roll off some low loose end below 40hz and reduce some 60-70 on the kick to give the bass some space and may tighten up the bottom end !
with the mandolin maybe just a little dynamic eq to tame some transients at around 330hz ane 2 k.
Thinking A subtle reverb may also help glue the mix together .
I can pm you a sample and video of my thoughts if you like.
Thanks for taking the time and the courage to post a mix .
Cheers Big Grin

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Ha. Don't let her get to you.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
A very nice listen. There is one thing I noticed which might help a bit and which helped me a lot. The acoustic on the left side (the one who does the count off) does some considerable thumping on the body of his instrument and it is very distracting and unbalancing is the mix. Considering de-thumping it, like you would de-ess a sibilant vocal. It really helped with laying the guitars for me. Other than that your mix is very listenable. Maybe some automation on the mandos in the break/solo section. That dynamic helps portray the song more musically. Follow the melodies. This song is so rich in harmonic content which makes it so much fun to explore. Nice job.

If I may, can I ask you to keep your previous versions?
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
Thank you very much, all of you, this helps me a lot.
Maybe I will try to mix it ones again.