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Diesel 13 - Colour Me Red [mix by Alexander]
Hi guys, this my version of this song. What do you think? Feedback and suggestions are welcomed!

.mp3    2017-24-01_Diesel13 - Colour Me Red_MSTR.mp3 --  (Download: 7.57 MB)

Hi Alexander,
Welcome to this Awesome site !
I like your version sounds pretty well balanced ,I think you could take your mix to the next level by reducing some frequencies of instruments I can hear overlapping and some resonant frequencies .
One thing that jumps out is the kick has a lot of mid range click at around 650-1k and missing the bottom end punch and kick beater around 4-5k area.
Maybe try reducing or scooping from 100hz-3k (especially around 130-160hz and above as has a lot of boxy resonant frequencies which will clash everything especially the bass guitar )
Hope this helps .
Just some thoughts while having a little listen.

Cheers Big Grin

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I'll agree with what thedon said. Spot on. Just while I'm listening some other things jump out at me
-The OD cymbals are a little loud/harsh and could come back a little.
-Overall the mix feels very "aggressive". The balances are good but it feels like I'm trapped in a small room with the whole band. Maybe it's a mix compressor. Everything in the mix seems to come at me at once and it's hard to focus. It could just be something I notice on headphones and over speakers it might not feel that way.
-The group vocals are "phasy". All sides and no center.

It's a good sounding mix. The kick has some issues but that's an easy fix. As a listener I'd just like it to have more breathing room. More depth and space.
Good Job
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.