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Why Don't You Stay
Here is my mix Blush

.mp3    Why don\'t you stay 15-12-17.mp3 --  (Download: 12.59 MB)

There's a couple of things that jump out at me.

-Overall it's a little harsh in the upper mids. Especially in the vocals.
-Everything is panned up the middle. I think panning out some elements would open up the mix and create more separation of the parts.

That's all for now.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Hey !

I agree with Roy, your main issue is the panning. We can hear everything, but I have the feeling the musicians play in the 1 m2 square (or 10 feet2 square if yo don't use the metric system :p )

Pan out things, especially the rhythm instruments like acoustic guitars to give space.

Also, some instruments have a "wrong" placement in 3D. I mean wrong for my ears Wink For example, the clean rhythmic guitar which plays on 2 & 4 is in front of every other instrument, while the drums can't drive the song as they sound in the very back. You an play with EQ (less highs), delay or reverb to place a track more behind the others. It will help to give more separation in the 3d dimension.
Thanks for the great feedback Roy and Mandubien Big Grin