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You & Me & The Radio – Chantelle777 Mix
Okay Kids, not sure if anyone will listen to this but here goes.Tongue

• Using MacBook Pro With Live 9 using AudioTechniqua headphones.
• Disabled Overheads due to annoying "pop" noise mentioned by others—was unable to get rid of it with EQ
• EQ on all except Rooms & BG Vox
• Used 1,2 & 5 Lead Vox tracks supplied, with plenty O' automation due to the extreme volume diffs Panned Vox 1 & 2 slightly to L/R, Vox 5 at C.
• Slight volume automation on BG Vox near end where Lead Vox competes
• Reverb applied at varying levels to all but Bass
• Slight boost on Highs & Lows, slight reduction in lower-mids in EQ on Master
• Multi-band compressor on Master

For me the Lead Vox was the most frustrating; there are parts where he drops out still, even with automation and I don't want to ruin the arrangement of the other instruments to fix him. Converting the bounced WAV to MP3 also seems to have boosted the hi-hats more than I would like in spots (maybe it's my imagination?).

Anyway, I will be going into my class studio tomorrow with my bounced file and starting a fresh session in Pro Tools on studio monitors (I've discovered doing it first at home helps to make it go faster in-studio).

Fire away!


.mp3    HumanRadio_You&Me&TheRadio_Feb6.mp3 --  (Download: 8.92 MB)

This song is weird to me. Every version has different vocal tracks. Totally different performances. Your version is way different than the one I mixed. It sounds like a live track. Did you download this recently? Just curious.

Anyway. Based on the original intent of the multitracks, they're supposed to be showcasing different microphones so You might not need (or want) to use multiple vocal tracks. Again, in my version I just picked one mic and used that. Though your tracks sound different so it's hard to say. But as it stands there's a bunch of fighting between the different lead vocal tracks. If you can pick one and focus on that. There feels like there's one that's the main one to use.(Vox 5?) I'm assuming.

The guitars feel pretty thin and effected. I don't know if the guitars are printed with that effect or not.
The panning feels a little weird to me. The guitar fight with each other. Panning them left and right might give them their own space.
The bass feels ok. The drums could have more power. On the version I have I didn't notice any issues with the overheads but I do feel like this could use those cymbal hits from the OHs.
The organ is ok but that's a pretty basic sound.
The BGVs sound find.
The HH is a little loud.
Over all it has a brittle quality. Maybe I'm missing the lower mids you cut from it.

That's all off the top of my head. Hope that helps a little.

It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.