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'Colour Me Red' -- Renato Lopes mix
Hi Mike and everyone! I would like to know your opinion about this mix that I made of the song "Color Me Red" and know what I need to improve?
Thank you big hug to everyone!

.mp3    Colour Me Red_ Diesel 13_02.mp3 --  (Download: 7.74 MB)

This mix isn't bad. There are things that I could point out as feeling off but honestly, as a listener it held my interest. It had an excitement that I enjoyed. In the end that's all that really matters.

To offer some opinions for improvement:
The snare feels a little weird. I think it's the snare reverb. It might be a personal preference on my part.
The intro acoustic guitar is too loud and the impact of the song is lost after the intro. It's louder on the track so just match the level of the intro and rest of the track and it should be ok.

I like it. Good job!
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.