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Fytakyte - Too Much

Had a go at this one.


Update: Added Mix 1.0
Update: Added Mix 1.5
Update: Added Mix 1.6
Update: Added Mix 1.7
Update: Added Mix 1.8

.mp3    FytaKyte - Too Much.mp3 --  (Download: 8.5 MB)

.mp3    FytaKyte - Too Much 1.0.mp3 --  (Download: 8.5 MB)

.mp3    FytaKyte - Too Much 1.5.mp3 --  (Download: 8.5 MB)

.mp3    FytaKyte - Too Much 1.6.mp3 --  (Download: 8.5 MB)

.mp3    FytaKyte - Too Much 1.7.mp3 --  (Download: 8.5 MB)

.mp3    FytaKyte - Too Much 1.8.mp3 --  (Download: 8.5 MB)

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!
Very nice vocal. Wish the snare is a bit tighter, it has the top but need a bit more on the body. I like the throw delay on the break. Nice job, man.

I dunno, maybe I just have poor taste in snares. Big Grin I've added a v1.0 with just a touch more snare body.

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!
To me, there's no bad taste as long as instruments show themselves full body and get along inside the mix. The producers and the band give us whatever they like, so it's on them. All we do is just hacking it away and make them fit. That in itself is enough to make a grown man cry already let alone choosing sounds for them. So yeah, man, we just have to do our jobs and pray they do theirs as well.
It's all good. I agree with your original comment. I was just making a joke. Smile.

I do tend to go for a more toppy, roomy snare sound though I think. The library mix snare is kind of the complete opposite of that. For some reason I couldn't quite get a snare sound I was totally happy with. You know how it is when you start focussing on the one thing a bit too much... I also wasn't quite sure how they got to the snare sound in the library mix from the recorded tracks either really.

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!
Yeah, sure, don't I know about the focus to the point of not hearing anything else. It'll pass when we're good enough. We meaning me, actually.

I like the rim stick in the sample mix, roomy. The whole mix is a bit rich in low mid, mostly from the guitar. I think the snare they used is a sample blended in softly. Wish someone would say it's not. Bc it's a very nice snare sound.
I don't like the drums, the snare just isn't there. Ironically although it's buried in the mix the 300hz resonance is super audible and annoying to my ear. Hi-hat's sticking out too much. I'm not sure what it is with the vocals, it sounds a bit like a compressor with supper fast attack/release times distorting the signal. You can hear that in the first line where instead of "she" it's "sh-sh-sh-she" which already makes the listener go like 'okay what's going on here' in the first seconds. It also happens later in the song a few times. The main vocal is boxy in ~300-400 hz range. In the context of a whole mix it's actually not that bad, but ie. 01:55 at "boy, i love you too much" it becomes super apparent. 

The whole mix feels a bit overcompressed, but to my surprise not as much as I'd expect from something that peaks at -3.4LUFS. This is insane. I can't imagine reaching this sort of loudness without killing the dynamics. Especially in a song like this. The instrument tracks seem to be fine, but as I have already mentioned in another post they already sound good on their own so(..) I can't give you credit for that haha Big Grin

I think it's a mix that needs more work Smile

Thanks for checking out the mix and for the detailed comments.

vovolan Wrote:I don't like the drums, the snare just isn't there. Ironically although it's buried in the mix the 300hz resonance is super audible and annoying to my ear.

I don't think the snare needs to be that upfront in this track.  Saying that  I might have a look at rebalancing things a bit.  I can probably fix the resonance issue though....

Quote:Hi-hat's sticking out too much.

Can't say I noticed any issues with them to be honest, but I'll give it another listen with that in mind.

Quote:I'm not sure what it is with the vocals, it sounds a bit like a compressor with supper fast attack/release times distorting the signal. You can hear that in the first line where instead of "she" it's "sh-sh-sh-she" which already makes the listener go like 'okay what's going on here' in the first seconds. It also happens later in the song a few times.

I wasn't sure what it was either, but yeah you are right! 

I like a fast comp on the vocal but I don't think that's doing it...  Actual issue I suspect is the de-esser threshold.  In theory it should be worse in the second mix than the first.  The esses were bothering me on some IEMs I have that are a bit hot in that area, so I hit it a bit too hard with the de-esser before deciding I would be better off going through and ducking them manually.  Seems I forgot to back off the de-esser afterwards. We shall see.

Quote:The main vocal is boxy in ~300-400 hz range. In the context of a whole mix it's actually not that bad, but ie. 01:55 at "boy, i love you too much" it becomes super apparent. 

I feel a little more on the lower end of a vocal can give it more up front feel, rather than necessarily being 'boxy' as such.  Can't say it bothers me, but saying that I'll check out that section and maybe try it high-passed a little more to see if I like it.

Quote:The whole mix feels a bit overcompressed, but to my surprise not as much as I'd expect from something that peaks at -3.4LUFS. This is insane. I can't imagine reaching this sort of loudness without killing the dynamics. Especially in a song like this.

I opted to push into the compression quite a bit on the chorus sections for this one, but even so the compressor isn't doing that much I don't think.  I think the library mix peaks around -4 LUFS or so, so I don't think it's that insane really.  It's only momentarily, it's not as if it's pinned at -3.4 LUFS for the whole thing.  I can always back off of course.  Maybe not so easy to go the other way if the mix can't take it.  Thing is if people have been living with a 'louder' mix already... 

Quote:The instrument tracks seem to be fine, but as I have already mentioned in another post they already sound good on their own so(..) I can't give you credit for that haha Big Grin


Quote:I think it's a mix that needs more work Smile

So it would seem.  Hopefully I'll have a bit of time later to delve into it a bit.  Not sure I can promise a decent snare though, but I'll give it a go Tongue. (I have been known to nail it in the past on the odd occasion....).


Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!

Added mix 1.5.

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!
Yeah, man, I like the entrance, big. I am still trying to get it going. That first snare is potent, get it right and the song sounds ok, get it wrong it falls apart. Mine failed, but I am aware of it.  The kick/bass is tight and solid, significant improvement. I'll pull mine back and try to match with your low end next mix. The snare has the body and cuts thru better than last and gel with the fx better. The whole mix is louder in volume than the last too, either that or the solid kick/bass gave me that impression.

Minor suggestions:

(1) I like the solo but would like to hear a bit more of the guitar4 right where the solo starts. I think it makes the part more exciting, adding even more punch to it. (2) I think the "glass" could be a tiny bit louder. (3) the ac guitar2 (~1:28-1:40, 2:57-) can use some volume too, only a couple notes so let it rip. (4) I think with the guitar6 louder the part will sound fuller start from 2:40 ish. I can still hear it but a little low. These are minors issues and can be done with automation. Other than that, I think it's a banging mix here where I am at.  Did you do the phase on the snare and hats as you said?