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Brennon Causey Mixing - 'NostalgicV2'
Hello Everyone! It's been a while since I've been on here.

Here's a rough 40 min mix, btw I love the song and great artist! Enjoy Smile

Would love to hear your feedback, cheers

Version2 - So I made a new version much more intimate and less effecty

.mp3    Nostalgic.mp3 --  (Download: 5.79 MB)

.mp3    Nostalgicv2.mp3 --  (Download: 5.73 MB)


This is shaping up quite well. Personally I feel this is generally the right approach for this track. Vocals do need a touch of de-essing though I think. It's not sounding too bad on headphones but the esses were just a touch too much for me on the speakers when I checked this out earlier. For me the vocals do need to retain the 'essy' character, but they just need to be controlled a bit more.

Perhaps could do with just a bit more reverb overall for me, to add a little bit more atmosphere and maybe push that synth back a bit. I realise I'm too used to my mix by now - I do feel a delay, reverb or something needs to hang over a bit more at the 40s mark.

Pretty good for 40 minutes work though - just needs a bit of polish. I wouldn't have even finished sorting through the tracks in that time!

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!
I gave it a quick listen. I agree about the 'esses'. It seems needlessly loud overall. I like the stereo guitar effect. It could use more bass in the chorus. I'll play devils advocate and say there doesn't 'need' to be any hang between the 1st verse and chorus. But yeah, there's an opportunity to tie the emotions of the song between sections. I will say there is a click that annoys the h-e-double hockey sticks out of of me. I think it's in one of the synths. It's in a bunch of mixes and makes me want to punch a baby. I think the chorus could be bigger in relation to the verse. It's such a naked song that dynamics is one of the few tools we have to make a point to the listener.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions, I finally got around to mixing the song again Smile
I did not quite understand why it was necessary to mix in 40 minutes. Have you participated in the World Speed Mixing Championship? Big Grin  Version 2 I like more, it sounds softer and better emphasizes the nature of the song. Mixed well, the frequency response can be a little brighter, there are not enough effects. In your version there is intimacy, but overly bare simplicity does not reveal the character of the song.