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Jump Across - LB Mix - Brit Pop / Rock
Hey all,

I had a go at this mix, and tried to get it sounding rocky and brit pop like  Blush

Have a listen and see what you think, all feedback is very welcome!!


.mp3    Skyeez And The Whiteflies - Jump Across Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 8.73 MB)

Quick listen. It feels like there's a lot going on in the same midrange area. Especially between the guitars and vocals and cymbals and that leads to some masking of the vocals. It feels a little "crowded". If that makes sense.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
(22-05-2021, 06:21 PM)RoyM Wrote: Quick listen. It feels like there's a lot going on in the same midrange area. Especially between the guitars and vocals and cymbals and that leads to some masking of the vocals. It feels a little "crowded". If that makes sense.

Cheers for the feedback, Roy. It seems some more separation would be good in the mid-range, as having heard it now there is some masking of the vocals by the guitars. The vocals do dip down occasionally, and the guitars have a certain harshness to them before the second verse.

The problem is actually in your low mids and sub 100Hz and it's throwing your perception in the upper regions. This is fatiguing. That said, there's a lot of harshness hiding in the stock materials from excessive processing. It's already been heavily manhandled (read "mixed") and it pays to take this into account whenever touching any parameter.....damage on top of damage stacks up. The trouble is, the brain gets used to it very quickly. Then chuck in the habituation effect and it's all out of control pretty quickly.

For me, the arrangement and production values require a critique. The bgtr is being mirrored by a lead, and on occasion there's a lead mirroring an acgtr. This offers nothing emotionally, and robs the sound stage of essential headroom and instead dumps relentless sonic clutter from not only the fundamentals, but all those harmonics!! And it's got you by the nuts.

I'd suggest reviewing your listening environment because these things should be jumping out at you for attention. Are you on headphones perhaps? There's some characteristics that lead me in this direction

If you listen to @mikej's clickbait, he has a very similar problem. Auditioned over decent equipment (Naim into Neutron III's and sub), it's a catastrophe. However, there's a significant amount of spectral skew in the stock. Cutting this out is challenging because of the fistfulls of added distortion that comes from large compensation measures. But when (and if) you do, your perspectives above 500Hz will be transformed. And then that's another problem. Distortion artifacts from excess saturation become increasingly exposed.....everything has been cooked to death. I wish we'd had the recordings rather than someone's mix to mix which can never end well.

All good fun, eh?

It needs an intro....something...anything!! Shame on you Wink
"Nearly half of all teenagers and young adults (12-35 years old) in middle- and high-income countries are exposed to unsafe levels of sound from the use of personal  audio  devices": Read my bio.
Oh, i will just add, that if you try and chuck all this lot into a lossy coder and in the manner you have chosen, it will crap itself. More distortion, the unintentional stuff Wink It's technical, but it directly affects the music and the listener. And it adds to the fatigue.
"Nearly half of all teenagers and young adults (12-35 years old) in middle- and high-income countries are exposed to unsafe levels of sound from the use of personal  audio  devices": Read my bio.
I like it!  Yes that guitar is harsh in the second verse,  but I like the busyness and overall balance of the track.  There is lots going on but there's still clarity and space around the vocals.  Overall it sounds radio ready with a nice drive from go to wo.  Smile
(14-07-2021, 08:37 AM)Dangerous Wrote: I like it!  Yes that guitar is harsh in the second verse,  but I like the busyness and overall balance of the track.  There is lots going on but there's still clarity and space around the vocals.  Overall it sounds radio ready with a nice drive from go to wo.  Smile
Many thanks!
I can never get away from busyness, but I may embrace it more. I don't know. It seems to always go in that direction. Thanks for the kind description on the vocal!

I like this yeah. While I'm not experienced enough to critique it from a pro perspective to my ears you've got nice separation for the drums. The snare sound is great and the toms also (I was never satisfied with the toms in my attempt). Kick and bass are working well together driving on a nice groove along with the snare. I love the harshness in the guitars (I went for a similar feel in my own mix of the tune). I feel there are some big jangly ringing out strums in the trace where a nice tidy polite guitar sound wouldn't do them justice. I got a Graham Coxon vibe from the guitar tracks as soon as I heard them and you've taken a similar approach. Just the vocal could come forward a little. Very cool!