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Library Preview Mix
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This is unlistenable, jesus. Cool song though
I'm listening to it right now. I don't love it but I'm successfully progressing through the endeavor.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.

I'm starting this mix just now.
I already know it is gonna be hard to make it sound big and powerful. There is so few instruments and the few there is is not doubled.

I think I will use the drums to widen the mix. All the rest will be almost in mono I think.
I also think I will duplicate the bass and the egtr to apply heavy compression, saturation, excitement and all kind of effect ( thanks the effect rack from Soundtoys. Best purchase ever ).
The duplicate tracks will be hard panned I think to add depths. I'm not sure yet about this. Maybe just during the chorus.

The most important part in this song is the drums. All part of it has to be perfect:
-kick and snare with huge attack. I think this kick needs to be very percussive in the 3KHz. I hesitate to boost the infra bass... . There is enough low end on the bass and egtr I think. The snare I dont know. I think it is not the kind of snare that requires a very dominant reverb. One thing for sure is that I will use a drums exchanger to strengthen it.
-toms: huge importance for the toms on this song. I think I will cut the attack on 2 of them to boost the sustain. Then a powerful reverb, short probably, compressed so it doesn't spread on the rest.
OH: clarity, clarity, clarity !!! The OH are the only instruments bringing high end and wideness.

In the end the overall idea behind this mix is: power from beginning to end !! No dynamics !! Strong and powerful !!

Let us know by which angle you prepare this mix.

(16-05-2020, 11:05 AM)Badcard Wrote: Hello,

I'm starting this mix just now.
I already know it is gonna be hard to make it sound big and powerful. There is so few instruments and the few there is is not doubled.

I think I will use the drums to widen the mix. All the rest will be almost in mono I think.
I also think I will duplicate the bass and the egtr to apply heavy compression, saturation, excitement and all kind of effect ( thanks the effect rack from Soundtoys. Best purchase ever ).
The duplicate tracks will be hard panned I think to add depths. I'm not sure yet about this. Maybe just during the chorus.

The most important part in this song is the drums. All part of it has to be perfect:
-kick and snare with huge attack. I think this kick needs to be very percussive in the 3KHz. I hesitate to boost the infra bass... . There is enough low end on the bass and egtr I think. The snare I dont know. I think it is not the kind of snare that requires a very dominant reverb. One thing for sure is that I will use a drums exchanger to strengthen it. 
-toms: huge importance for the toms on this song. I think I will cut the attack on 2 of them to boost the sustain. Then a powerful reverb, short probably, compressed so it doesn't spread on the rest.
OH: clarity, clarity, clarity !!! The OH are the only instruments bringing high end and wideness.

In the end the overall idea behind this mix is: power from beginning to end !! No dynamics !! Strong and powerful !!

Let us know by which angle you prepare this mix.


Very poetic but this is straight punk music. You have all ingredients in front of you. Good luck and looking forward to hear your mix.
(16-05-2020, 11:05 AM)Badcard Wrote: Hello,

I'm starting this mix just now.
I already know it is gonna be hard to make it sound big and powerful. There is so few instruments and the few there is is not doubled.

I think I will use the drums to widen the mix. All the rest will be almost in mono I think.
I also think I will duplicate the bass and the egtr to apply heavy compression, saturation, excitement and all kind of effect ( thanks the effect rack from Soundtoys. Best purchase ever ).
The duplicate tracks will be hard panned I think to add depths. I'm not sure yet about this. Maybe just during the chorus.

The most important part in this song is the drums. All part of it has to be perfect:
-kick and snare with huge attack. I think this kick needs to be very percussive in the 3KHz. I hesitate to boost the infra bass... . There is enough low end on the bass and egtr I think. The snare I dont know. I think it is not the kind of snare that requires a very dominant reverb. One thing for sure is that I will use a drums exchanger to strengthen it. 
-toms: huge importance for the toms on this song. I think I will cut the attack on 2 of them to boost the sustain. Then a powerful reverb, short probably, compressed so it doesn't spread on the rest.
OH: clarity, clarity, clarity !!! The OH are the only instruments bringing high end and wideness.

In the end the overall idea behind this mix is: power from beginning to end !! No dynamics !! Strong and powerful !!

Let us know by which angle you prepare this mix.

I get all of this. I hear what you're saying.
I just want a mix that makes me angry. I don't care about 3kHz or the sustain on the Toms.
Pretend I'm a kid in the suburbs of wherever you are. Make me want to get into a fight or commit a crime. That's all we ask.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.