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Life Gets In the Way
Nicely recorded and lots of tracks.
Chicken Muzzled... plus other updates - > "b" version added 7/15/2019 11:26pm

Added a "c" version 7/16/2019 2:10pm

Added a "d' version with some drum touch-ups 7/18/2019 6:45 pm

Added an "e" version...  7/20/2019 4:00pm

Added an "f" version 1/12/2020 4:15pm ... snare's prally better here...and some other stuff.

Fytakyte Reference Version from their bandcamp page is labeled as "Life Gets In The Way_Bandcamp.mp3"

Added "1Snx" version 5/29/2020

.mp3    LifeGetsInTheWay1e.mp3 --  (Download: 7.75 MB)

.mp3    LifeGetsInTheWay1f.mp3 --  (Download: 7.75 MB)

.mp3    Life Gets In The Way_Bandcamp.mp3 --  (Download: 7.58 MB)

.mp3    LifeGetsInTheWay1Snx.mp3 --  (Download: 7.75 MB)

Hey Newton - I like the instrumental sounds you got, but there are a few issues with the mix...

- The "chicken cluck" guitar line that introduces the verse is really loud - it could come down a few dB.
- The reverb on the vocal is putting the vocal behind the instruments in the soundstage - try some pre-delay to bring the vocal forward.
- I think the mix in general might be a bit over-compressed or limited, as the low end punch from the kick drum seems to have dissipated, and the transients from the drums in general seem to be a bit "blunted". Maybe try slower attack times on your drum compressors to let the transients breathe and punch a bit.

Hope that helps!
All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:
I'll agree with what FytaKtye said. I rather like the sound of the drums at first, during the intro, but then yeah they get a bit buried. I think you could do some quick tweaks here and there and it'd be a really solid mix.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
(15-07-2019, 12:59 PM)FytaKyte Wrote: Hey Newton - I like the instrumental sounds you got, but there are a few issues with the mix...

- The "chicken cluck" guitar line that introduces the verse is really loud - it could come down a few dB.
- The reverb on the vocal is putting the vocal behind the instruments in the soundstage - try some pre-delay to bring the vocal forward.
- I think the mix in general might be a bit over-compressed or limited, as the low end punch from the kick drum seems to have dissipated, and the transients from the drums in general seem to be a bit "blunted". Maybe try slower attack times on your drum compressors to let the transients breathe and punch a bit.
Hope that helps!

Ha ha...I was pretty sure that chicken was gonna get reprimanded for clucking too loud. I put a muzzle on him. Couple of other updates on the newer b version.
Thanks for giving it a listen.
- NT -

Hey Newton, much better!

That said, I think the drums could come up a tad in volume. Also the reverb on the vocal is really not to my taste - it reminds me of the kind of reverb you get when you sing in the shower - not that flattering to the vocal! I'd suggest finding a reverb with less in the way of strong ringing resonances.

Nice improvement!
All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:
(16-07-2019, 11:17 AM)FytaKyte Wrote: Hey Newton, much better!

That said, I think the drums could come up a tad in volume. Also the reverb on the vocal is really not to my taste - it reminds me of the kind of reverb you get when you sing in the shower - not that flattering to the vocal! I'd suggest finding a reverb with less in the way of strong ringing resonances.
Nice improvement!
The vocal seems to have been cut with a pretty substantial low mid honk to it (300 cycles or so). The reverb may accentuate that but probably not really its fault. Something I wanted to find time to fix but Lyfe got in the way.