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Tried to attack the mix different. Any feedback is appreciated and welcome. Thank you

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.mp3    GET FOOLED 3 1.mp3 --  (Download: 10.71 MB)

I appreciate the 'different attack' on this one. There's a bit of low end/lower mids build up. I think the bass guitar loses some of it's definition and is a bit washed out. Same with the guitars. Or maybe it's just the guitars and they obscure the bass. It's hard to say. There's just something that feels very 'indistinct' with the guitars. I suspect it's the second 'room' mic on the guitar.

The vocals work and I like the tight kick and snare sound. I think it could use a some more cymbals. That extra brightness might counter act some of the largeness of the low end.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
I agree with Roy on this. I actually like the super bass heavy sound and think it sounds cool on my headphones, but it seems like it creates a disconnect between the vocals and the instruments. I have absolutely no ideas on how you could combine the two as they are, though. Maybe Roy's idea is just the thing it needs! The only other things that come to mind are to cut out a little of the lows from the guitar or maybe trying to grungify (<-- technical term) the vocals.
Thanks for the feedback fellas did an update
Another update feedback is appreciated
Nice I definitely think it's an improvement. My only suggestions would be to lower the vocal level a little bit and to center the reverb. It's only coming out of the left side!