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Sea of Leaves
Sea of Leaves

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I have a bunch of "technical" issues with this mix. Which doesn't really matter. I'm not really a fan of technical issues. They're boring and don't really matter to the casual listener.

What I think does matter is supporting the lyric and emotion of the song and I don't think this mix does that. It feels dynamically flat overall. There's a lot of emotion in the vocal. It's vulnerable. It's an open wound. I so want the hair on my neck to rise up on the B verse and everything just feels the same sonically. Same with the chorus.

This feels like a mix for us. Maybe consider doing a mix for the kids. Forget compression and hertz and dBs and whatever. Mix for a girl who might hear this in her room while not wanting to do homework. Make her tap her pencil at the very least.

I know this is a poor critique and doesn't help at all. I dunno maybe less lower midrange and mis bus compression.

E: and yeah, my mix doesn't really do this either.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.