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Bobby Nobody - Stitch Up

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I kinda dig it.

There's a weird grittiness in the intro that gave me pause but it cleaned up in the verse and I really liked it.
The verse vocal feels a little "spacy". Maybe it's the harmony vocal. It's ok but I wish it were a little more 'centered' like in the pre chorus. (On a second listen it doesn't bother me)
The chorus single "answer" vocal is a little indistinct and buried. But I find that to always be the case in the song. It's just weird somehow.
The guitars are a little 'off' in the bridge. I want to say there rhythm is off but if you didn't change that then it's probably the volume.

To be honest, I'll just go with my gut. I enjoyed listening to this mix and didn't notice the kick or snare or drums or bass or whatever. Which is the sign of a good mix. The only thing that trips me up is that one chorus vocal and the loud bridge guitars. Other than that, as a listener I don't care. Ha.

Hope that helps.
Good job.

It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Thank You so much, Roy!)
Your comments really help me to mix better! Wink