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Rebecca Haviland & Whiskey Heart '57 Chevy'-Yoshi-Mix
First Impressions.

Thanks for listening.


.mp3    Rebecca Haviland & Whiskey Heart \'57 Chevy\'-Yoshi-Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 6.18 MB)

A couple of things that come to my mind are:

-Quite a bit of buildup in the low mids on the vocal. I would get rid of that. And to my taste it´s also a tad dry.

- The other has to do with panning and how you create your stereo image. There are quite a few tracks on this recording you can play around with. I haven't posted my mix yet, but what I essensially did was that I put guitar1 hard left (all three tracks) and sent the reverb of all those hard right. The opposite for guitar 2 (pan hard right and reverb to the left. I write this so that people at any experience level should be able to understand) so you do this "trick" by using sends to an AUX channel. One for each guitar, and that aux channel is where you put your reverb of taste. Then there's also a stereo signal from the Leslie that I panned out hard L/R.

- I personally prefer the guitar solo to be more if not completely, at least more in the center so it's not completely to one of the sides like yours.

-All in all I also lean towards a song like this having a bit more ambience through the use of reverbs over all, without going over the edge with it. 

That's what I hear after a listen through.
