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Connecting with Disconnected
Another sonic gem from Andrew. 
The performances are excellent and the production and recording values, superb. 

For me it was pick a tone structure for the guitars and full speed ahead. Such great harmonic content in Andrew's guitars and production, in general, which makes this a treat to mix. 

I took some minor liberties with the intro and the end. I hope it is acceptable.

Fytakyte - Disconnected - Again

Softened the guitars a touch and boosted the bass guitar. Took more liberties with the first guitar solo and the ending.

As always, Mix well and mix often.

.mp3    Fytakyte - Disconnected-Master.mp3 --  (Download: 6.64 MB)

.mp3    Fytakyte - Disconnected - Again.mp3 --  (Download: 6.55 MB)

PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
Overall both very nice mixes. I think the overheads and hihat may be a bit too domineering and the rest of the drums drums lacking a bit of volume and power in the first mix. Both is already better in the "Again" mix so you're definitely on the right track. Keep up the good work!