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Aural Exciter - Disconnected COMPETITION ENTRY
Tongue Cool Big Grin Undecided

.mp3    Disconnected - AURALEXCITER Competition Job.mp3 --  (Download: 6.8 MB)

A competition, you say? Where?...

Whoa... a remix... hmm... "well I" missing again... oh well... I kinda think lyrics are important, but I'm only the songwriter, so what would I know?

Um...yeah... not keen on the arrangement changes at all, sorry. I thought the arrangement was pretty good as it was.

The mix... Not bad once things got going, but the bass is a little overly loud and uncontrolled. The nuances of the drum performance are being lost in the gating (or sample triggering). I feel like half of the guitars are missing, and the soundstage is almost mono for much of the song. Some of the vocals pop out in strange places and don't really mesh with the rest of the mix.

Not really my cup of tea, but it sounds like you had fun.
All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:
Competition? How about my mix vs yours, for starters?

After the bandcamp audition left me with ear fatigue, obviously it would be foolhardy to replicate it, despite everyone else having done so. Ironic that being an exception rather than following the rule, that I should get unceremoniously dumped on.

You are not interested in audio quality, otherwise you wouldn’t be trying to force 62 tracks of a stereo downmix to mono.  Even in stereo, it doesn’t work for reasons you, as a pure musician, are not aufait with by my observational reckoning.

Examples:  The intro choir deletion didn’t break the story, nor the other mutes, so I am left to conclude you simply wish to be mischievous.  My response to poorly recorded material super-rich in strong early reflections cognizant with the small room syndrome, was to delete them and fix the introduction with a progressive build. Let’s call it impartiality, shall we? This can’t be fixed, and it sounds ridiculous to my ears, and a distraction because of it’s “disconnect” from reality. Oh, a pun.  Then there’s the processing and parameter choices which actually shouldn’t be presented for mixing. All this does is cause the introduced distortions from your side, being added to. That’s a prime source of ear fatigue if ever there was. Guitar part #4 is a good example.  That’s one reason why it was muted in favour of the keys, the latter being less of an issue. Another reason was to address what I felt to be over-present bias of guitars and vocals in the arrangement.  The lack of clicks on Social might be a warning sign and perhaps explains why you took umbrage. You can indeed think what you like about arrangements, but it’s the larger picture that matters more, surely.  Your comment took me back to a post-grad lecture on the Dunning Kruger effect, not so off topic as it might appear.

There is no fun having to hack something. Actually, it’s heart breaking.  What I did get from the outcome, was solace in achieving my goals (including a featured bass guitar, hello!) and music that I could actually listen to, albeit with inherent constraints, without sticking fingers in my ears.  My friends agree on a blind loudness normalised A/B test where they had no idea one was my mix.

You might well be the songwriter, but I’m the Consumer. Ignore folk like me at your peril, dear things.
I walk away from reading this with the only conclusion that you're sad person.

I'm not sure what your intent was, but whatever they were, you've failed. You obviously have issues you felt the need to work out but this isn't the place for that. I suspect you know that already.

FytaKyte (Andrew) has provided many song for the community to work on and learn from. As well as being a mod. I appreciate his efforts. He makes the forum a better place.

Edit: Oh, I think I've figured it out. Sad.