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Hurray -I'm Livin In the City - Updated
This song immediately brought to mind the great Chrissy Hinds so in that light I offer this mix. I hope it is found to be a good listen. As always the communities comments and questions are greatly appreciated.

PS.: This first mix is not truly mastered but should be close on levels.

Livin' In the City - Mix 3

Added mastering to this version to bring some sparkle and reduce some whoof. Give it a listen and please let me know what you think.


.mp3    Hurray For the Riff-Raff - Livin In the City.mp3 --  (Download: 8.05 MB)

.mp3    Hurray For the Riff-Raff - Livin In the City - Mix 3.mp3 --  (Download: 8.15 MB)

PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
It’s good. I could only listen to the first chorus because the online player was acting weird. The organ way be a little loud and the lead vocals might be a little back in the mix but it works for the song. The mix seems “tubby”. The bass is fat but there might be some extra lows on the guitars that could be cut and give the bass more real estate. Other than that it sounds good especially for a live recorded track. Cheers
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
(23-02-2019, 02:00 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: It’s good. I could only listen to the first chorus because the online player was acting weird. The organ way be a little loud and the lead vocals might be a little back in the mix but it works for the song. The mix seems “tubby”. The bass is fat but there might be some extra lows on the guitars that could be cut and give the bass more real estate. Other than that it sounds good especially for a live recorded track. Cheers

Hey Roy,
The mix could use some mastering to brighten things a bit or notch out the tubbiness. The guitars have all been high-passed as well as the guitar buss which leads me to think an over-all brightening would be a good approach as long as it does not bring up those awful cymbals above the ride.

Thanks for the listen.
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]