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Come Around Mix (Leaf 1 of 3)
I really like this group, I think they're genius. Decided to mix all three of the tracks today and this was the first.

I wanted to almost get the guitars to sit as a pad in the track to fill out the song harmonically while the focus was on the drums and vocal, so I washed them out a bit with delays and compressed them down.

Initially it all felt a little thin, which I quite liked, but I did try to add a bit more girth here and there to fill the sound out using distortion and filters.

I'm a big fan of that really "over-processed" vocal sound you find in vocal trance and minimal dance tunes and stuff, and in my head I heard that type of sound working pretty well here. I did keep it a bit more natural than that in the end, but that's the direction I was going in my head.

Don't really know what to say about this mix otherwise, but any questions or comments are welcome.


.mp3    Come Around First.mp3 --  (Download: 9.42 MB)

It sounds good. The kick feels like it can't make up its mind if it wants to be more natural or more effected and artificial. I think it could use a but of a cut in the lower mids to scoop it out and maybe consider keeping it as is in the verses but in the chorus do something else with it to create more of a contrast between the sections. Especially in the intro. The contrast is pretty good as is but it's the kind of song that could go further.

The vocals sound great cool. I can't hear anything else that jumps out at me. Good job.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Hey man,

I like the direction of your mix! This feels reaaaaaally trippy (in a good way) and the vocals are great (kind of wish I had heard this before mixing this song ahah) they fit perfectly in the mix and drive the song in a really cool way.

I can definitely hear the Massive Attack influence Wink there's a great progression in the song emphasized in your mix.

Awesome stuff!

(12-02-2019, 05:12 AM)RoyMatthews Wrote: It sounds good. The kick feels like it can't make up its mind if it wants to be more natural or more effected and artificial. I think it could use a but of a cut in the lower mids to scoop it out and maybe consider keeping it as is in the verses but in the chorus do something else with it to create more of a contrast between the sections. Especially in the intro. The contrast is pretty good as is but it's the kind of song that could go further.

The vocals sound great cool. I can't hear anything else that jumps out at me. Good job.

Thanks for listening Roy. Yeah, I hear what you're hearing with the kick. It's kind of unfortunate that the drums are provided all on one stereo track so anything I do to the kick will also affect the rest of the kit, but it could probably still benefit from a low mid cut. A transition to a different sound in the chorus is a good idea though, maybe I could add a sample for the different section to alter the sound.

Quote:Hey man,

I like the direction of your mix! This feels reaaaaaally trippy (in a good way) and the vocals are great (kind of wish I had heard this before mixing this song ahah) they fit perfectly in the mix and drive the song in a really cool way.

I can definitely hear the Massive Attack influence Wink there's a great progression in the song emphasized in your mix.

Awesome stuff!


Cheers for checking it out mate and thanks for the comment! I really like that trippy vibe. I love listening to music on headphones because I'm a big fan of trippy stereo elements and subtle delay effects. I try to work that stuff in where I can but not too much!
Yeah, sorry. It's been a while since I mixed this one so I totally forgot that the drums were loops and not individual tracks.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.