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Fytakyte - Too Much [Damian Oakes Mix]
Good song, and exceptionally well produced. It was fun to mix.

.mp3    FytaKyte - Too Much mk. II.mp3 --  (Download: 8.54 MB)

.mp3    FytaKyte - Too Much.mp3 --  (Download: 8.52 MB)

Kick needs a low shelf at minus 1.5 dbs on 45hz and or use a high-pass filter at around 50 60hz and you're set.
You can also fix the little rumbling on the kick tail by increasing the compressor release a bit.
The bass needs a high-pass filter at 55-70hz. It make the whole track less muddy.
Lower vocals delay a bit. You can also use the low pass filter built in the delay to attenuate the His from the delay. I suggest make delay stereo my friend.
I like the acoustic guitars. Some people pay little to no attention to acoustic guitars processing.
You can also lower or mute some of the string section. It'll make the song less cluttered.
E. Guitars sound good my friend.
The whole drumset sounds a bit dry.(it is not your fault) You can send the whole drum tracks to a bus and use a medium hall reverb at 100 percent mix. Then you can adjust the drums verb to your liking.

There are a few things you can always fix here and there.
I don't like it, the vocal fx are super weird. Don't know if its because of that, but it also sounds kind of weak and pushed back. Drums don't feel glued to the rest of the mix. Snare sounds dry, cheap and muddy. The whole mix feels a bit muddy in the 100-200hz range. Guitar solo isn't standing out enough, lacks clarity. Feels like one of those guitar solos played on a gig at school where the guitarist doesn't have a compressor and an amp thats big enough to cut through haha  Big Grin

good luck
Thank you both for your feedback. I've added a revised version.