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Lead Inc - Inner Circle Mix
Hey everyone, I'm Jeremy and I am currently a senior in the Audio Production program at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. This is my project submission for a mixing class.

All original audio used, eliminated the mic tracks to taste, and mixed with only Pro Tools stock plugins.

thanks to all involved for providing these tracks

.mp3    Lead Inc-Inner Circle (Nov. 2016).mp3 --  (Download: 12.22 MB)

It sounds pretty good. Here's some of the issues that pop out to me. All somewhat minor.

1. Overall it's a little, slightly "boxy". Especially on the rhythm guitar. I hate talking numbers but I'd consider a bit of a cut at about 300hz to make the guitar a little more exciting.
2. This is a personal thing, but I find the panning of the guitars in the verses distracting from the vocals. I don't what tracks you had to work with but it'd work better with the 'chug' guitars balanced L/R and the picked guitar in the center. Right now the guitars grab my attention and not the vocals. In the choruses and later in the song there are more guitars but the vocal becomes more of the focus. The parts and imaging support the vocals more as opposed to drawn attention away from them.

It sounds good. It could use a hair more high end for excitement but that could be more of a mastering thing.
Good work.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
(08-11-2016, 07:59 AM)jeremyn93 Wrote: Hello, my name is Jeremy and I am currently a senior in the Audio Production program at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. This is my project submission for a mixing class. All original audio used, eliminated the mic tracks to taste, and mixed with only Pro Tools stock plugins.

Definitely a good, and challenging track, for the exercise:

Vocals: Could use a little more automation and/or compression to make them sit well in the mix. Likely also some saturation or EQ to bring out the top end.

Drums: Kick drum (and drums overall). Attack times on compressors and transient shaping can deliver the impact, without pushing the level, which will clean up some of the boxy aspects. Kick drum, in particular, is overpowering in the low mids. Much or the perceived impact should come from the 5-15KHz range.

Guitars: You want to HPF around 50HZ, low shelf at 1K to adjust top to low balance, then push around 6-8K (depending on the key of the song). Big cuts in the 1K range can bring clarity to the vocal and other aspects of the mix but still leave the guitars sounding big.

Finally, maybe a touch more compression on the mix bus (and, more importantly the individual busses) will help the mix gel.

Hope these comments are helpful! Cheers, Jeff
All sound is a distortion of silence /