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New Mix
Hi !

Found this page a couple of days ago and love it. Great for improving Mix-Abilities.

Thought it's a good idea to start with a project with less tracks and music I am familiar with.

Found this, love the voice and the big balls guitar solos.

I changed the intro, because of timing and tuning issues. xD
And don't liked the tape effect very much.
Hope it is oke.
In the main guitar solo, I added some strings and tried to work out the orgasm in the end. Smile

Open for suggestions.

Chears frrom ze germany


.mp3    lokke2.mp3 --  (Download: 6.18 MB)

After listening for a while, I think the bass is too loud and the guitars are too midy (does that word exist ?) . And it's sounds a little small, compared to other mixes.
So I made a new one. Sounds better on PC speakers as on my studio monitors.

I want the voice to become more punchy. Like the devilish Dio Sound. Smile How do I work this out ? Any suggestions ?

.mp3    lokke3.mp3 --  (Download: 6.17 MB)

Hi Carsten:
Of course it is ok to make changes...this is your vision and I enjoy sharing it with you. I quite like the scream at the start. You have done a very nice job on your mix. Vocals are a bit dry for my taste, but that is a personal preference of course, and all your clients will be different.

One thing I can point out is that somehow the lead guitar is off time in your mix and it is messing with the vibe a bit. Haven't noticed this with any other mixes, so I'm not sure what happened there.

Anyway, nice work, you did a great job, thanks for sharing.

Keep it loud!
Johnny Lokke,
Hi !

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. I'm not satisfied with the mix yet. I want the vocals more fat in your face and the rythm guitars sound a little thin for my taste. I think, that is because I took some of the low mid away to get space for the bass. I will work on it.

I like the dryness of the vocals, but a subtle delay should maybe do a good job.

The lead guitars aren't in time ? I don't noticed that. That could be a cubase 4 thing. Sometimes I have the problem, that tracks aren't in the right place. I don't know why. But I will doublecheck in the future. Anyway, I like the timing Big Grin


Hi !

After 2 years, it is time to make a new mix and compare it to the old one. Big Grin

And this time, the lead guitars are in time .... I hope.

Have fun.


.mp3    lokke_promises(benninghoffmix).mp3 --  (Download: 6.46 MB)
