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Simple Machine's Unbroken - Updated - Printable Version

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Simple Machine's Unbroken - Updated - Mixinthecloud - 22-01-2023

It was a great surprise and pleasure to see David Tyo return to the CambridgeMT forum. He has a long history of great songs, great productions and great vocals here. And this is another fine example of David's exceptional musicality.

When I first heard the song, my first impression was some allusion to Bohemian Rhapsody and that shaped my approach to this mix. David's incredible vocals demanded it. Further along, I came to feel this song may have best been given over to the likes of an Allanis Morisette given the nature of the lyrics and the intense anger being expressed. That being said, David does an amazing job and I did my best to find the song in my mix.

Please let me know what you think.

Mix 3
This is an updated mix and remaster.
It is heavily pushed so you may want to turn your volume down.

As always,
Mix well and mix often,

PS: Ewwwww....