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ACTIONS - DEVILS WORDS (BEN REYNARD MIX) - Benrey123 - 07-01-2018

This one was pretty fun, i love mixing this type of music! Any feedback appreciated as this was my first pass.

Reference was Stand Atlantic - Coffee At Midnight


Hey, cool mix you got there Smile
The distorted guitars are very harsh though. Cutting them round 3,7kHz with a pretty wide Q helped a lot.
If I am hearing correctly, during the chorus you are melding both lead vocal tacks (almost?) equally which creates an interesting flangery/phasey effect, but on the other hand pushs them too far to the back, sounding almost like a background vocal. So you might bring one of the tracks further to the front, closing the gap to the verse, but still maintaining that unique sound of yours.
Thumbs up!

RE: ACTIONS - DEVILS WORDS (BEN REYNARD MIX) - OctopusOnFire - 03-02-2018

Hi Berney,

Great work in the voice, first of all. I agree with Hoshi about the guitars, they end up losing definition and sounding too harsh for the song. This also does not help when the clean guitars come in, since the texture is so different that the transition doesn't feel smooth (it also gives the impression of a volume change, being louder when the clean gtrs come in, which takes away punch from the distorted ones). The other thing I noticed, through my speakers the kick has an insane amount of sub-low end. It does an effect as if the kick was right on your nose and the snare so far away, probably is choking the drums and the whole mix too. Check it out and see if it helps the compressor working less.

Solid mix, all in all.