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Angels in Amplifiers - I'm Alright (My first post) - Printable Version

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Angels in Amplifiers - I'm Alright (My first post) - BrianStreckfus - 28-12-2015

Any advice, tips, criticism, critique, etc...is appreciated! Thanks! There's probably something wrong with levels but I've just listened to it too much that I have a bit of tunnel vision now so I figured I might as well upload and go from there.

Does anyone have any good advice on how to do volume automation quicker? This is one major aspect that really slows me down and one aspect I really dread. I was thinking about investing in a Korg Nanokontrol2, or maybe I should save up for a more serious DAW controller?

I have latchable faders using a DAW control app on my iPad. For the price it is worth having for the remote control record button alone. But it still felt like I had to go in by hand anyways. Mouse clicks are tedious but predicting the future on levels also seems too hard. I'd do fine for about 20 secs then mess up, back up a few measures, attempt volume automation again from there on one track. Is that how it's supposed to be done? Huh

I heard the pros do spend more time doing automation than plugins and automation probably does sound better than trying to dial in one compressor setting.

I'm not formally trained in recording arts, I'm a classical guitarist. Been on a mission though for the past couple years to get good recordings by myself and this site as been a big help, and I really tried to perfect this one instead of just messing with plugins.

-Using Logic Pro X with many 3rd party plugins
-I duplicated the vocal track and put tube and solid state distortion on it for certain parts, for that walkie talkie/megaphone type sound.
-Reverb on just the electric guitar and a drum bus
-Reuploaded with beefier compression on the drums and more presence for the signer, def a bit clearer now.

RE: Angels in Amplifiers - I'm Alright (My first post) - BrianStreckfus - 28-12-2015

This version has multi band compression instead of EQ on the singer. Both sound pretty nice but I like this better because it adapts more depending on the situation rather than one EQ for entire song. Sounds a bit more lively and the diction turned out better I think.

First time I've tried multi band compression but I really liked how it worked out. I'll have to remember that. I need to learn how to do side chaining next, that's something I've never done before.

RE: Angels in Amplifiers - I'm Alright (My first post) - jeffd42 - 29-12-2015

I think you've got a good mix of the MTV-unplugged variety.

There are a few places to look in terms of EQ -- on the base guitar first, as that can clear out some space in your mix. Also, having the classical guitars full sounding is great in isolation -- but they (along with instruments like piano) can eat up a lot of space in a mix and make other things -- particularly drums -- start to sound small in comparison. So you may want to take a little low end off, although very much a matter of taste depending on the type of sound you're looking for (acoustic vs. pop).

Cheers, Jeff

PS: I didn't hear a lot of difference the multi-band EQ on the vocal. I would take a look at bringing the vocal out a little more clearly -- which might be a small cut around 1k and a little boost somewhere in the 2.5k-3.5k region.

PPS: Writing in automation is very much a matter of taste. I'd go for a quality single automated channel fader (something like the Presonus FaderPort) solution, over a rotary encoder solution. But, that said (and I did a lot of live sound many years ago) I've become quite happy drawing automation in with the mouse and/or the iPad LPX app nowadays.

RE: Angels in Amplifiers - I'm Alright (My first post) - BrianStreckfus - 29-12-2015

Thanks for the advice!!

I agree, I will try out your advice and see if I can't clean it up and have less competition of space. I will try it out and repost it in a couple days if it goes well.

Ah I see the personus fader does look nice. It is motorized and seems a lot more high quality that what I was looking at. I've always wanted a motorized one.

RE: Angels in Amplifiers - I'm Alright (My first post) - BrianStreckfus - 01-01-2016

Here is the new version. Thanks again for the advice, I feel like it lead me in the right direction.

I did the vocals exactly like you said, 1k cut and somewhere around 3k boost.

EQed and rethought panning on everything else and carved out more of a space for everything.

Figured out how to do side chain compression for the bass and kick. And I carved out a spot in EQ so now the kick and bass are distinguishable from each other.

I upped the reverb on the drum bus and made a smash bus for a beefier drum sound.

I think it is better and much more can be heard. If I keep this in mind from the beginning too, I'll probably do a better job. Probably my problem is is staying in solo instead of hearing it in the context of the mix.